Tag: Mon Rak Asoon

Laa gòn 2016! Sawadee 2017!

Goodbye 2016! Hello 2017! Happy New Year 2017! 2016 have been a year of subbing at full throttle with a completion of 10 projects! Each and every projects have it’s up and down, excitement and draw back. And the project with garnered the most attention…

[Teaser][Spoiler Alert] Mon Rak Asoon Ep27END [Eng Translation]

Finale! Spoiler Alert! Watch at your own risk!

[Teaser][Spoiler Alert] Mon Rak Asoon Ep26 [Eng Translation]

Spoiler Alert! Watch at your own risk!

[Teaser][Spoiler Alert] Mon Rak Asoon Ep25 [Eng Translation]

Spoiler Alert! Watch at your own risk!

[Teaser][Spoiler Alert] Mon Rak Asoon Ep24 [Eng Translation]

Spoiler Alert! Watch at your own risk!

[Teaser][Spoiler Alert] Mon Rak Asoon Ep22 & Ep23 [Eng Translation]

Spoiler Alert! Watch at your own risk! 😈

[Teaser][Spoiler Alert] Mon Rak Asoon Ep21 [Eng Translation]

Finally I’ve already caught up with the timing for MRA up to the latest episodes! I still couldn’t find anywhere how many episodes in total MRA will have but looking at pass trend of Ch8 series and also from the script that I have…

[Teaser][Spoiler Alert] Mon Rak Asoon Ep19 & Ep20 [Eng Translation]

Spoiler Alert! So watch at your own risk! For those who have voted and are rooting for Mon Rak Asoon. Here’s a little glimpse to the latest two episodes which aired today and will be airing tomorrow. Ops! Correction! I mean airing tomorrow and next…