Announcement! Mon Gaan Bandaan Rak

Update : 2nd February 2021
This is now completed subbed by Rainbow Subbing Team

I’ve decided! I’m dropping this project once and for all! I regret that I didn’t listen to advice that I should just drop it when all the commotion started!
My sincere apology to those who have been patiently waiting for this one while I’m slowly working on it. But I’ve reached my breaking point with this one!
True that I dislike how Diaw treating Ajan Oie but that’s still tolerable! They still have their cute moments together. But what prompt me to come to this decision is that, despite disabling comment on that page so that I can work peacefully. Lately I’ve been receiving nasty vulgar comment on daily basis because I’m not working on this one fast enough. I don’t like waking up to those comments. It just ruin my mood for the entire day no matter how hard I try to ignore it! Enough is enough!
I started subbing as a hobby and also to help me improve and learn Thai faster. I didn’t sign up for getting cyber bullied or trolled at! And since this is my fansub and also my nekoland, I can work on whatever that makes me happy (well sometimes the timing team too) and at whatever pace that I feel like it! If you doesn’t like my choice of project, my subbing pace, my rules, feel free not to come to Nekoland!